
Metallic Text Generator at– My Goal is to REACH 10,15, or 20 Subscribers by January 1st! If I can then it would make my day! If your 1 of the SUBSCRIBERS and YOU have a Blog with a Subscription Widget, then I’ll feel free to Subscribe to it! 🙂 (P.S.- To check your subscriptions for the White Oak Students that have blogs, go to your dashboard, scroll down (if have a tiny screen) below “Settings” to “Subscriptions”, then click “Subscriptions” and check your subscribers.) Thanks! 😀

If You Found $100, Is It Yours To Keep?

Multi-styled Text Generator at

If you found $100 lying around, is it yours to keep? If you EVER do find $100, well think to yourself, would God want you to
Multi-styled Text Generator at it to the police or pick it up, stick it in your pocket and walk away? I don’t know about you, but I would return the money to the Police instead of being a no good dirty lying thief. I’m telling you this now, if I did find that kind of money ANYWHERE, the first thing that would come to my mind is: “Should I take it and go?”, I know that the first thought to some of you would be to take the money and run/walk away because its not likely to find $100 LYING AROUND SOMEWHERE, but then you hopefully  think to yourself  again and the other dolorous person of  the positive answer and recover it.  Say you find someone pick up $100 dollars off the ground and they put that WAD of money in their pocket to get themselves some decent products, I say you go over there and convince them to return the money to the person if he/she saw the person drop it or to the Police. Do the conscientious thing to do, dont be a dissimulator, Be A Truthful, Honest, Person and return the money to the police to make the persons day a exceptional day! Thanks, Hope you agree! 😉

Food Can Drive

Dynamic Blinkie Text Generator at

This Food Can Drive is for all those people in White Oak that need food. Please help the needy to make the city a place where there are all people that have food and are OK. Thanx 😀


Camouflage Text Generator at

Not gonna be doing any of my DAILY posts this week AGAIN. Trying to get all my stuff caught up.

Thanks for understanding for all you who LIKE my DAILY posts.