About Me

Hi my name is Yaroub and I live in the United States. Based off my name, you can probably guess that it doesn’t seem like an American name and more rather a foreign name and you’re right!

I was originally born overseas in the middle east but moved to the United States when I was very very young. I believe it was even before I hit the age of one year old. My parents told me, the reason we left was because a war broke out near our hometown, but I came back to visit back in 2010 for one month. Turns out, my whole family practically owns my hometown city. For example my uncle is the mayor!

As I grew up, I started to discover my hidden talents, such as being really athletic, having drawing skills, and being above average in academics with a surprisingly good IQ. Athletic wise, my speed is my top feature when it comes to sports like track or football. Not only am I fast but I have really good feet work which helps me be in the top teams for football and helps me do agility drills quite easily. I am not too much into the drawing career but it was a cool talent to see I had seeing how I don’t practice it whatsoever. I guess being smart was a natural talent I had ever since pre-school. As of right now I am attending advanced classes starting in Middle School with Advanced Math.

I am still young and there is plenty of time for me to discover more about my self. Cannot wait to see what the future holds for me, of course the way I look at things will change overtime but right now I’m locked onto Computer Programming. If anything here interests you don’t hesitate to leave it in the comments, I’m interested to see who you are essentially.

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