– My Goal is to REACH 10,15, or 20 Subscribers by January 1st! If I can then it would make my day! If your 1 of the SUBSCRIBERS and YOU have a Blog with a Subscription Widget, then I’ll feel free to Subscribe to it! 🙂 (P.S.- To check your subscriptions for the White Oak Students that have blogs, go to your dashboard, scroll down (if have a tiny screen) below “Settings” to “Subscriptions”, then click “Subscriptions” and check your subscribers.) Thanks! 😀
Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Color Song!
Really fun song! Try it with your friends! 😉
Hope You Enjoy!
The Turkey Song!
If You Found $100, Is It Yours To Keep?
If you found $100 lying around, is it yours to keep? If you EVER do find $100, well think to yourself, would God want you to
it to the police or pick it up, stick it in your pocket and walk away? I don’t know about you, but I would return the money to the Police instead of being a no good dirty lying thief. I’m telling you this now, if I did find that kind of money ANYWHERE, the first thing that would come to my mind is: “Should I take it and go?”, I know that the first thought to some of you would be to take the money and run/walk away because its not likely to find $100 LYING AROUND SOMEWHERE, but then you hopefully  think to yourself  again and the other dolorous person of the positive answer and recover it.  Say you find someone pick up $100 dollars off the ground and they put that WAD of money in their pocket to get themselves some decent products, I say you go over there and convince them to return the money to the person if he/she saw the person drop it or to the Police. Do the conscientious thing to do, dont be a dissimulator, Be A Truthful, Honest, Person and return the money to the police to make the persons day a exceptional day! Thanks, Hope you agree! 😉