Fact Of The Day!

The worst natural disaster in United States history was caused by a hurricane that hit Galveston in 1900. Over 8000 deaths were recorded.


I HAVE FINALLY REACHED MY 20 SUBSCRIBERS!!!! Well actually 21 but still, I’V REACHED MY GOAL!!! I want to say thanks to each and everyone of you guys that visited, subscribed and commented, and obviously you know that means ALOT to me! I just can’t believe the fact that I have 161 visitors & 260 visits!!!! Sooooo, keep on coming and I promise, when theres more cool stuff in the WORLD (U.S.A) LIKE FONT WEBSITES THAT ARE FREE AND MORE WIDGET SITES then Im gonna go GET IT to make my blog AMAZING! So once again, THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO….. MUCH FOR ALL THE STUFF YOU GUYS DID! I COULDN’T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU! Dynamic Blinkie Text Generator at TextSpace.net

My Best Post I Posted…..

If you haven’t, go check out my BEST blog post so far which is called “My Interests In: Apple….” The Link is Right here if want to check it out -> http://yhussein.wonecks.net/2011/12/02/my-interests-in-apple/  I know its a really LONG post but still, I worked on it day through night for 3 DAYS straight! So if you get done reading the passage/post you can either post a comment and then check out the links I linked on the post or do the opposite. Thank for reading!