Words With Friends!…..

Words With Friends: 1-10- 100!!!
LCD Text Generator at TextSpace.net

I rate that Words With Friends is the BOMB! If you want to chat and play at the same time this is a game to play! You can download it on an iPod, iPad, iPhone and/or Android if have. Really fun game, I suggest you get it, it’s free in the App Store. You can ask me, I love that game by heart! One of my Top favorite games ever! Thanks for reading!  Website: –>http://www.wordswithfriends.com/


Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: Definition: Fear of long words

Some PEOPLE AROUND THE Glitter Text Generator at TextSpace.net HAVE THIS PHOBIA! So I feel bad for these peoples and think it has NO cachinnate matter at all! But that’s not why i posted it……. I posted it because 1) Its one of the longest words in the English language and 2) Its really fun trying to pronounce and say it 5 times really fast. 🙂

(1 of the Longest Words: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Definition: A type of lung disease)

This might help you with pronouncing THAT word at the very beginning:

It might start to get annoying. 😉