Words With Friends!…..

Words With Friends: 1-10- 100!!!
LCD Text Generator at TextSpace.net

I rate that Words With Friends is the BOMB! If you want to chat and play at the same time this is a game to play! You can download it on an iPod, iPad, iPhone and/or Android if have. Really fun game, I suggest you get it, it’s free in the App Store. You can ask me, I love that game by heart! One of my Top favorite games ever! Thanks for reading!  Website: –>http://www.wordswithfriends.com/


Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: Definition: Fear of long words

Some PEOPLE AROUND THE Glitter Text Generator at TextSpace.net HAVE THIS PHOBIA! So I feel bad for these peoples and think it has NO cachinnate matter at all! But that’s not why i posted it……. I posted it because 1) Its one of the longest words in the English language and 2) Its really fun trying to pronounce and say it 5 times really fast. 🙂

(1 of the Longest Words: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Definition: A type of lung disease)

This might help you with pronouncing THAT word at the very beginning:

It might start to get annoying. 😉


Patterned Text Generator at TextSpace.net Christmas Countdown:

Christmas Is SOON! How many of you are HYPED UP or excited about Christmas?!?! Well I know I AM!:D (Quick Fact): The December 25, Year 386 was the day which Christmas was established.  After Christmas or on Christmas, if you got anything, feel free to post it in the comments! If you didn’t know, my BIRTHDAY is RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS! But sadly 🙁 it doesnt last forever….. Merry Christmas and  Have A Happy New Year! 😉 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid….

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: CABIN FEVER is Out!!!! (Well it was already out on the 1st of November, BUT STILL!!!!!!! So Far I’m in the Middle of reading it and Plus+ I got it TODAY! 11/17/11 If you already read it then give me YOUR review about it and Rate: 1-10 on the book. Tell me how it is and if you like it or not. But yea, give a thumbs up to Jeff Kinney for making an incredible series of Diary of a Wimpy Kid because they are amazing and entertaining books…but thats my opinion. But anyways, leave your Review about it and Rate: 1-10 in the comments BELOOOOOOOOOOW VVVVVVVV Thanks! 😉

LCD Text Generator at TextSpace.net


Metallic Text Generator at TextSpace.net– My Goal is to REACH 10,15, or 20 Subscribers by January 1st! If I can then it would make my day! If your 1 of the SUBSCRIBERS and YOU have a Blog with a Subscription Widget, then I’ll feel free to Subscribe to it! 🙂 (P.S.- To check your subscriptions for the White Oak Students that have blogs, go to your dashboard, scroll down (if have a tiny screen) below “Settings” to “Subscriptions”, then click “Subscriptions” and check your subscribers.) Thanks! 😀